Features » Performio » Sales Commission Software

Unique Architecture

Written by Bryan Philips | May 10, 2019 4:12:02 AM

Performio has been designed to provide unique levels of flexibility in how you can configure your site to meet the unique needs of your plans, your data, and your business rules.

Guaranteed Fastest Time To Value

 There are some crucial design decisions we have made in developing Performio.

All-Inclusive Features & Tables

This means that all tables set up in your solution can fully access all the functions and features of Performio. For example, let’s say you need to set up a new Custom Table for capturing customer satisfaction survey data. You can set up an importer within minutes and this importer is available for the API or to be added to your auto scheduler process. You can set up reports that access the table and you can expose the table to the end user interface for data management with full “CRUD” capabilities. You can then activate the “chat as workflow” functionality so that you can design a workflow process for approving adds and changes to the data. You can even integrate the table into your commission Plan Template.

This flexibility means that there is “always a yes” with Performio. You aren’t going to be stuck in the future with a solution that can’t be expanded or modified to reflect the needs of your business.


Proprietary “Performance Value Schema”

When we first built Performio, we understood that every company has different data, with different names for that data and that there could be literally hundreds of different types of performance measures and results to be calculated for any given person for any given period. We also understood that there are two broad sets of data:

  • Transactional Data
  • Period Based Data Per Person

Transactional data is best stored in tables.

But we built Performio’s unique “Performance Value Schema” to best accommodate the myriad different arrays of data (from quantitative sales data to qualitative service data etc) and results that you need to record for a person against any period – eg. QTD, YTD calculated results.

This schema is incredibly flexible and up to two trillion results in your database. It means that you can quickly deploy new measures. It also means you can quickly communicate new measures via your dashboards and reports and use these new measures in calculations – without needing to delve into elaborate solution design diagrams when considering adding new fields to a table (eg, which table/ what field / what relationship to other tables etc).

Quickly Activate Out-of-The-Box Features

Alongside the flexible architecture, you can deploy powerful ICM and SPM modules such as Target management, Workflow, Reporting, Approvals, and Commission Plans.

Component-Based Plans

Performio’s component-based approach means you can deploy the most commonly used plans in minutes. These plans cover your classic “OTE” type plans (link to) and “Commission per sale” plans as well as Matrix plans. There is no limit to the number of components you can have in your plan template. Plans can be easily allocated to individual Participants in line or in a batch update.